Friday, December 29, 2017

"Musings on Love"

I decided to Love, not because this magical experience is easy, noble or romantic, but because whatever Love is? Comes naturally to me. A way of living? Not for the faint of heart. Can Love be taught? I say yes! Might we have been deconditioned since birth to not feel, think and act with this intrinsic part of ourselves? Either because some don't want to live up to this high standard of human living, or that for some it is too painful to live this way? My muse on Love doesn't know all the answers and that's ok, but she knows the right right path to lead me down and this path in itself I believe has the answers I seek and will be bequeath to me all I need to know! Jewels that "shine' and "beat" and Words that "shimmer" and "touch. In life I think these gifts are much more important than money of this material world! And I'll leave you with this.... When there is Love involved there are NO RULES!

Brett In Real Life-- From the 💗

I know love is true, even if I WAS lied too...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

'Erotic Nectar"

Erotic nectar

Just rolls off my tongue

Oh... Let's have some fun

Are your nipples hard?

If not just wait

Til I get a taste!

Goosebumps forming

And ya know

You can't help yourself

Even if you just think about that White Elephant

No thought can distract you

Only my delicate passionate touch

Can do that...

So listen closely

As I recite

In your ear

My dear

The most sensual words

That you have ever known

Not quite a Love Poem

Just a list of ways

That I will use

To seduce... You

And you want to know

What makes these words so special?

I'm going to make them

Come true

Just for you XXXXX

I learned about erotic from myself...

Brett "Honey" Drummond

Friday, December 15, 2017

"Numbers Passionate Lies"

Three's a crowd

Two's connected

And one's lonely

What gift each has!

Pushing my boundaries and longitudinal relationships

Am I the danced or the dance?

In pairs maybe both

That cryptic movement that spins

Also keeping me guessing on that BMD tip

There is where the "genius" of explosion occurs

But with people I'm not quit sure

I prefer maybe the terminology

That chaos effect thing

Butterfly's flappin and people gossiping

Is there no end to the chaos that is caused?

When one's two's and three's come together!

They say loose lips sink ships

Well what do lips that are latched together do?


Which leads to passion

Well I say give me fire and passion anyday!

Maybe PDA'S are the CPA'S of our time

Brett "Not A Number" Drummond

Numbers a lie... yes and no... #keepyoureyespeeled

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

"Photographic Illusions"

Memories... Is that all I have of you?

Imprinted on my brain

Memories... Of our time rolling in the deep

Bittersweet and rocky road

Memories... Pulling me back into you

Some false some real, but never affected by time

Memories... Now and then fade away

Wanting more, but getting less

Memories... Keeping me warm on a cold day in my Imagination

Sparks igniting my passions!

Memories... Sent into space for all to view

My own projection of Love

Memories... Lost in my circuitry

Replaying Life and rewinding to the nectar

Memories... Having Fun!

Memories... Living Life!

Memories... Sing to me

I wonder what happens to my memories when I'm gone?

I know the answer to the "last line" Would you like to know that last song?

Brett "Recall" Drummond

Sunday, December 10, 2017

"Win, Lose Or Draw A Distraction"

All these games we play

Is this a roll of the dice?

Me or you?

I guess our disparities could be

An addiction

The play of sway

That you and I both "hold"

Over under and around each other

I need to win

And some may say I lack couth

But if we're both playing the same game

Then a draw isn't possible I know!

At all or even up 

So keep your "cards" close to your "vest"

And I'll keep trying to read 

You're FULL house on you're lighted lips!

Before either of our FULL house's 


Under the weight of our "state"

And either of us should "WIN"

Then the other will have to lose

So pretty please

Don't confuse

This coniferous of complexity

That awaits in the end

Which is just a beginning

Of our game

So dare you roll the dice?

And YELL yahtzee, domino or GO FISH!

Brett "Triumph" Drummond

I never roll the dice

Friday, November 24, 2017

"The Coursing of Life's Waves"

Coursing through my veins is a beat!

Pushing me to new heights!

I live and die with this pulse

Twisting and turning I fight then surrender

Some may say Life is learning how to "ride the waves"

I disagree! I am the fucking wave!

Riding the floors of the ocean

I open up to the possibility of that pulse

Which lets me electrify the Shadow of my Life

Setting in motion my Charismatic Muse

Who... When she feels better blue

Opens up and force feeds me my lines

Never saying more than hi to my eye

I cope with this infectious surge by practicing my craft

Or is this gnawing the prose that consumes me?

A world unto itself myself?

Chemicals course through my veins

Is this what is driving ME insane?

A Euphoria and Celebration of Life

That is magnetic to my emotional grasp of my reality

As I wander this magnetic Journey

I question and strive

To learn how to drive

This Space-Time Spectrum

To my Destination

On the Continuum

Of ALL that I am


Ever will BE!

Brett "Vein" Drummond

See my middle name y'all

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Stars Speak and I Journey

Stars Stars speak to me
Talk to to me like you do the sailors at sea
I will listen to thy Universal Wisdom
And know that you're life and mine, is a nebula of this time
Since I am made up of Stardust
We must be kin folk form the same Cosmic Sea
I drift in my thoughts up into your heaven of sparkles
WE "both" shine so bright
So as Above, so Below.
Stars... You are my mistletoe
I kiss you in my mind and sometimes I feel as though I am "blind"
You're shiny perfection lets me NOT see my own imperfections
Which for me makes me want to cry
But I try... and not for not will not make me "sea"
We are Mirrors and Reactivity that form The Universal Flow
And our Earth's undertow
A torrent of raging Stardust ANGER!
Seeking a way to become whole on this blue-green planet
And NOT just fragmented particles
Searching for a new home after their violent explosions
And Black Hole deaths
Our Communication is light
That brightens the dark side of our own violent nature
Whenever a Star twinkles at me
For I know "the signal" that is being sent to Me
Is a message from the heavens
And when I dechiper this message of...
Hope, Light, Dark, Dust and Binary
Then MY world will open
And I will be Stardust as well....

Brett "Incandescent" Drummond

Guess where I've been.... Oh yeah...

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"U.S. Reality "Mic" Check"

WHAT THE FUCK! How many wars are we going to FIGHT!? WE HAVE "boots on the ground" in
sooo many countries I can't even count! I mean we keep getting attacked,  I think maybe we should look at our own "actions". Are these "attacks" unprovoked, or as I think, we have pissed off a lot of others, maybe we as a country might need to take a look at our own "actions". Or should I say that we bully others into submission.

But enough with that, lets talk about our "president". I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, but I can't believe we have a "Reality TV Star" in the oval office... and a bad one at that. If you really want to know why I have animosity towards that man? It's the manner in which he treats People that makes me see who I think he really is. Whether MOCKING a disabled reporter or grabbing women by the Pussy. How about you come over here and and try and grab my crotch mr. president? Well... I BITE back and I might just grab you by you're pussy and tell you YOU'RE  FIRED.

And how about The Opioid Epidemic. I mean I don't know ALL of the Root Causes, but I sure think one of those is all the pain killing drugs that most doctors have just passed out at will. Oxycodone, Percocet and Vicodin just to name a few. ALL brought to us by "our friends" BIG PHARMA. I mean they say "one magic pill" is all you need and PRESTO, ABRACADABRA life is good! Well... maybe not? So now we just don't have to deal with those "pesky" side effects, but we also have this nasty epidemic, that is leading to more hard drug abuse and addiction, thanks BIG PHARMA! I feel much better taking your "magic pills".  And it's not as if you gave financial kickbacks to doctors for prescribing, oh wait I should have said PUSHING you're pain killing medication, Right?

But I digress, let me talk about some of the "positive aspects" of our country.

How about our NATIONAL DEBT? 20 TRILLION and counting.

Brett Drummond

I guess I saw this a little early and "adjusted"

Sunday, October 22, 2017

"The Transcending of Human by "Time".

As I flow through Time, I thought I would pen a little rhyme as to this illusionary phenomena. I don't think I normally travel at the Speed of Light? But if I did then maybe my "clock" would look a little different. Maybe I would use a Sun Dial or a Plasma Clock or some other funny invention that would put me more in touch with the Cosmos.
I would actually like to incorporate a magic eight ball into my "new" clock, but alas I'm not sure how to accomplish this lofty idea. Any bright ideas out there would be helpful and much appreciated on how to accomplish this magic eight ball magic.
Does Time even exist I keep asking myself? And if Time doesn't exist, then I think that makes Time a very valuable commodity that I wish I could barter more for. As I travel on the Speed of Light in my dreams, I soar not high into the heavens, but more into my heart and the challenges of the present. Can I "ride" this light beam of hope here on Earth, striving and achieving what I want? Or maybe.... wait for that phrase! I can STOP Time?! What a novel idea this could be. We humans have tried to stop Time since probably our whole history. And what if we could harness this "clock"? Just imagine ALL the cool things we could do!?
But... enough with that thought. I think we would have discovered this "thing" by now. I will say this though, in a beautiful lover's embrace time does stop for me. 😃💖. So Time I'm done with you! Just like you do to me and my Life, I will show you No Quarter. And until "Time Runs Out" you will also be waiting for your own Demise.  SAYONARA TIME! 🖖

Brett " Second Minute Hour" Drummond

Hands are all I got

Thursday, October 12, 2017

"Perfection is When Your Heart is in the Right Place."

Perfection and the heart are two points of view that don't go together I think! I mean just think about this perplexing idea? The heart beats, blood flows, is warm and knows only love, right? And perfection to me is cold, hard, unforgiving and "heartless". What a paradox, yeah? I mean I can't even spell out this conundrum of my beginning title! Why on Earth would I write about these two polar opposites? Well I'm not sure either lol. When I try and strive, sometimes I feel like I die. A part of me aiming for a model of what I think is right. But what I think is right might not fit into where I'm actually going, ya dig? For my beating giant might have other plans. Does passion play a big part in my beating giant's decision making process? I think so! I mean if I stick to my model of a virtual reality of who I am, will this actually just impede my progress? Or do I need to have an unbending goal to strive for in a world that I think can be could and callous? My "ticker would obviously beg to differ I say! I cannot put that "ticker" thing into words, but I know that "thing" is there. Drawing me closer to an ideal and not a model maybe? As my vision of flawless goes, so does my life in a sense. I'm always growing and in this growth is a struggle, which I believe forces me to change and in this change I have to give up my ideal of who I was and my goals I wanted out of my life. So does my Sentiment Being inside tell me this? Or is there an unspoken agreement between my model of Life and what beauty beats inside? All these questions keep coming up inside and out for me. Maybe I am not trying to find an answer, but am seeking a riddle that will never be solved... and doesn't have to be. Either way I guess my Life will go on and I will continue to live and be who I am... and this will be enough for me.

Brett "Model of Incomplete" Drummond

And maybe I''ll add right time also

Saturday, September 30, 2017

"A Blurry Thought of My Life."

Veritable vision exists in my psyche today. Double vision is my social norm. Sometimes not being able to focus is a real achilles heel for me. Just trying to stay sane from the blurriness is a real chore. The tension precipitates this real "force" in my face and observation of the eternal thingamajig that I can't seem to get past in this present moment. This might help to keep me grounded, but in "real life" this piece of emotional driftwood can be hampering. This continual process of growth can be a real sticky mess of my human life.... Focus-Focus-Focus, but to no avail-- If I don't I get so line-out-of-sight that I become incapacitated in a "thought". WHAT AN ENERGY DRAIN! Not being able to see what is in front of me can be deflating, but I guess we ALL have this slight tear in the fabric of our lives at sometime or another... Right? Or at least that's what I tell myself. As a wise sage once told me- or wait- why would I put words of another in my poem? That which I'm trying to convey should come from me... Dontcha think? 😊  Since my vision is "off" does this keep me out of the norm, whatever that might mean? My Life goes on and the flow of my process keeps dragging me inside/out. Make your own meaning out of my words I say. When hope fades, what is left? Nothing? Or maybe something that will splay open a new form and eye socket which keeps me on the straight and narrow of vision in this pupil that I call my Life...

Brett "Pupil" Drummond

Blurry yes... but the hey...

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"Tic Tac Toe "Time"!

Tic Tok I look at the clock, sometimes I want to lick that noisy clickbox, cause that clock looks like a lollipop! Time filled with sooo much goodness and gracious experiences waiting to be had. And no my "impending" death does not make me say this. For Life is what I make of it I think. Ever growing and always expanding to my moment of Courage. Spinning, pulling and twisting to make me into a new human being. As I face my own clock and here the ticks, those clicks I realize are dwindling down to the wire and fraying as I type. I don't feel sad, but rather a cool sense of relief and perhaps even joy, that this epiphany has found it's way into my mind. As I grasp for more time, I realize that my grasp is not BIG enough to support all the hours of my days. Does time flow or am I the eternal clock that powers my own machine that I have brought into this Life? Only time will tell and time doesn't seem to speak a very forward language. Does time just want to play games with me or am I the game and I will never win?! Answers! I want answers! And none of those elusive memes seem to be coming my way! So time!? What's on the agenda today? Well I know what's on my agenda, to live my Life fully. Even as your pressing hands try and wipe "me" off the map! No time piece will dictate what I want to do or supercede who I am! I'll tell you that! So "time" what do you say? Are you up for one more game of who can get the most out of my day or... will you try and be the chronic staleness that Life can be? I will try and not suffocate under your weight of all of my memeories that you try and erase.

Brett 'Father Time" Drummond

I know the way to win at tic tac toe everytime...

Thursday, July 27, 2017

"Depression, Maybe it's time to Go a Little "Crazy".

Depression you baffle me! Are you just a catch phrase modern day psychiatry has labeled me with? What these imbelciles can't understand with their "minds" as, being  "normal", is that it's just a label? Or maybe you label this to keep yourself getting paid and to make sure your jobs stay put? I do not know?! Or do I? Some may say depression takes your soul, but I think this "disease" lies more in the body and that's why these modern day head shrinkers can't figure out the cure, even if they really want to! Remember ladies and gentleman: ONE MAGIC PILL IS ALL YOU NEED, to get rid of your ills that probably built up over time. As I have "struggled", what ails me isn't a straight Depression I think, but more of a system of the body, mind and spirit being out of WHACK! Maybe instead of trying to tackle my "problem" rationally, that maybe I just needed to go a little CRAZY?! And not the crazy that means shunning society, wetting my pants, not listening to others. But more CreAtIve crazy, where we question our lives, quit our jobs that have no meaning, define who we are and not who society says we are.

Going "crazy for me meant throwing myself in the process of life and staying present to all the atrocities that human beings perpetrate upon each other, with my eyes wide open. I didn't need ever to watch a horror movie, because I got to watch the whole world "Fight". Whether over business, relationships, health care, cutting each other off, using each other to satisfy their own selfish needs. That was many moons ago, now I'm done trying to "fit in" and will be myself at all costs... That is me going crazy and being sane all at the same time.

Will the paragraph above help me to lift my "Depression", for me yes and if my new way of Life doesn't fit me then I will change it and not get stuck in one place. Always moving... When I get depressed I will keep trying to stay in the present moment and listening more to my body than my mind. Taking a nap in the afternoon, setting boundaries, cussing, staying up late or going to bed early depending on my mood. So I maybe depressed, but I will still live my life and that will be my ROCK!


Brett Drummond

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

"Escape Emotions To Live A More Full and Empty Existential Existence?"

I don't want to feel any emotion. Happiness is knocking on my door and all I want to do is numb

every part of my being to this feeling. I exist on every level except that of human emotion. It seems

as if Life drags me up and down, pulling me deeper and deeper into the pits of all human existence.

Maybe this is why I don't want to feel? Because my Life already mimics all the emotions that my

own humanity has to offer? Would this be twice the tidal wave of life coming at me, full force and

unrelenting? I also know that I have to deal with others emotions and maybe this is why I don't want

want to feel my own energy. Dealing with others negative vibes sometimes leaves me so vulnerable

and drained, that I might not notice that I am not paying attention to how I feel. Or maybe I just don't

want my Life to be real sometimes and not taking control over my feelings are way to shrug off

responsibility and escape from this world?  Or maybe I just need a break form all that I am and am

going to be? As wonder I wax and wane through all that this experience of my Humanity has to offer

Always wondering what adventural emotional adventure lurks around each corner. Drawing me into

the vortex that my existence sometimes feels like. Emotions are also my Lifeblood in this world as I

see it. Why is such an important part of Life, so sometimes hard for me to go through? Maybe

because this is the toughest boundary for me to cross, this path might also be the most rewarding, but

dare I cross into this wavy, blurred line of my purpose? And maybe I won't have a choice and will be

just dragged down over, out, skyhigh and twisted without any say so? I now know I know not and I

will just keep living, learning and loving... Until next time you poison passion of emotional life!

Brett "Live In" Drummond

Yep especially that last line

Brett "Living Life" Drummond

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

"Consciousness Knocking On My Door."

When your Consciousness comes calling will you answer?

It's not like it's the Grim Reaper who shows up, but maybe just a deeper desire to change.

If you don't answer will this messenger keep trying to penetrate your home?

Just think about this "idea" if you don't get this idea the first time, will this idea come back?

Some may believe this notion to be Karma and they may be right?

But I think this is more a series of events that once set in motion will NOT be ignored

Forgive me for waxing philosophical, but I am a poet by nature and this is what comes.

Well when I get a knock from my Consciousness, I listen, but don't always respond... Lol

This power that makes me aware is one I don't take lightly....

But I also don't trust this rocket that comes barreling at me full force!

Bringing with it awareness and also a truth that I might not be ready to "hear" yet?

Could it be that my Consciousness is not me and I am just playing a "game"?

Sometimes this power tells me a story, other times I feel as though I am punished.

Either way I cannot resist this "thing" that comes a calling.

I don't think Consciousness is Life, rather a lesson, that I am here to pay attention to here to learn.

So I may answer that knock whatever time a day it comes, but I don't always listen....

Brett "Aware" Drummond

It just didn't knock

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Duality of Passion and Fire.

I have decided the devil is my new best friend. For he has FIRE! And since he has FIRE this tells me he has passion! And that is the kind of entity that I want in my life! Maybe the devil is just misunderstood and taken out of context?! I mean with all that fire and passion the devil must have some redeeming social values, Right? Anyway I was on my way home last night and decided that I would give my "devil" permission to eat my "angel". I quite enjoyed this show! The angel was no match, as the devil's passion overcame my angels wings and halo in a HEARTBEAT!

Now that I have no angel, my devil and me just chill. But it's not all debaucherous activity that we partake in. In fact community service is a also on the top of our to do list. First we will clean up that halo and wings that is on the streets that came from their encounter, next we will "light fires on every street corner--- this isn't so much to simulate hell, but to make sure ALL in the neighborhood are kept warm ;)! Next we will look for fallen angels that are just roaming the streets and see if they want to work on some kind of collaboration. What this may be I'm not sure, bust rest assured this "burn" will be fancy.

We are now best buddies, as we know each other intimately, not sooo much in the sexual sense, but in the way we think and chase women. Now we don't actually chase women, they just run from us. Must be because we are too "hot to handle" ;) --- no restraining orders have been filed as of yet!

But a very sad event is occurring in the last couple of months... My devil is starting to take on angel traits. Try as I might to ignore this, I can't anymore. He doesn't have wings or a halo, but he's just not as fiery or pitchforkey much anymore! He's almost like my conscious now. WE don't have the same passion or burn anymore-- Our new relationship is almost like we're married lol ;). I'm at my wits end and I don't know what to do? Is this what I signed up for? But I guess this relationship is a lot like life. I just have to take the pitchfork and horns with halo and wings.... ;)

Brett "I want my devil back" Drummond

Did you "catch" the first sentence in the poem...

Sunday, June 18, 2017

through the depths of life

Dragging me to the depths of my consciousness and then dropping me into my shit. Being pulled from heaven to hell all in one moment. Fight as I may, I just seem to end up back in the same place. I feel like a disgrace, letting life dictate my effort and just being a subject to this universal
monstrostrial wave that drags me under. Is this effect nature throwing me curve-balls and not letting me rest til I discover her secrets? Until then I will continue to just buffer all that spins my way, never letting my guard down or my life to be not lived. In this sea of life I have seen many treasures just waiting to be cashed in. But I think sometimes treasures are meant to be left alone so that that the depths of this precious cargo can be explored by others. When the depths of my own mind come to fruition I will paint my art work on the canvas of this world that is in turmoil I think? Never knowing what colors to blend and strokes to make. Does this make me a creative genius of life? Could be... but is that what I was even aiming for? Not really I just wanted to live and learn and be. In this world that sometimes seems to be a crime: Being a unique individual like I think we all are. What is this punishable by? Death? Maybe in my case a creative death by being suppressed and locking away my own key that will undo years of creative abuse by this world and myself. Can ya relate? You may ask why can't I just unlock the door, well if others had stolen my key then how can I unlock the door that I can't get through? Well creativity of course silly. But if I can't get to my creativity that lies behind this door, then I am in a conundrum can't you see? I understand that I may have the other key that was provided and given, but... not nurtured. If you are confused, please take a breath and maybe learn to see a different way. I wrap up by penning this! Nature, creativity and yoga or something like that!!

Brett Drummond

I've been all over... and I'm GOING

Thursday, June 15, 2017

You Kissed My Soul!

Hey there, how you doing? Did I tell you what I first noticed about you? That I heard you're strong Soulful Voice. So engaging, dynamic and connected I thought! You touched me, with your command performance over the room. As we bantered back and forth through our body language, ya got my attention! So open I thought you were, was the impression I got, was that you were just being yourself? With little touch you gave me on my arm, you invited me into your world I thought. A real soul touch in my eyes... And speaking of "eyes" did I tell you that I saw stars in your eyes when we gazed and made contact? Wow! Laser light focus filled my awareness, did you experience the same star struckness as me? As we parted with a handshake,, glance and aliveness I hoped I would see you again... and soon!

The next we met you appeared out of nowhere... That coincidence is funny to me, we always seem to find each other without trying. Maybe we were meant to connect and just be or is there more or not? Only soul time will tell, either way back to the story at hand. Should I have given you that hug? That's what the moment called for, but hey I'm an Improv Specialist, so I choose the three part handshake! Were you a little surprised? As I watched you work the room, I'm always amazed by your fierceness and willingness to engage 💓. I just sit back and watch and enjoy the show. And after your performance was over, I was gone like the night, a little nervous tension and maybe a little showmanship on my part.

On another meeting we were like heat seeking missiles destined to interact, except we're not explosive, but engaging. You have always impressed me with your willingness to engage me. I sense so much Courage in you! Putting yourself in and your ego in harm's way. Your presence inspires me, I really feel you listen to me and take care of my needs... Talking to you is always a pleasure, I enjoy our witty banter and sometimes you forget my namesake , hey no worries, although I'll continue to give you a hard time lol. Back and forth are we both just star struck? Maybe we each shine so bright that cosmic sparks are meant to ignite and CATCH fire in whatever form that touch of life takes!

                                                         Brett Lip Locked Drummond

AND THAT SEALED MY FATE...  and it was "good" to "see" you...

If you enjoyed, or even disliked this poem please share! Whether through Facebook, email or by word of mouth! Better yet send out the carrier pigeons. lol

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Fool: Part Prophet, Part Jester, Yet Totally Real.

I am a fool! I know not what I do! Except to love with all my heart. I stumble and trip through life hoping that I will find my way in the darkness, that I have imposed upon myself. My Journey is never ending and I now know that peace may never come. But I take solace knowing that my inner world is made up of fools, each seeming to know what role to play! For those voices aren't always right, but gosh how we have a good time! Laughing at not just myself, but also the cosmic joke that this world seems to be. Am I the only one that can see? Probably not as my vision is blurred, but I guess I do know what it means to be a clown and even a clown will wear a frown. Writing, singing and dancing even when they know the music isn't right. For creation comes when the fool lets loose and spills his "creative juice", planting the seeds of what's to come and some people may call him dumb. But they just don't see who he be! A creative jester in full force, who will help to open up doors to the reality that awaits when you let go of the rational mind that can sometimes be unkind! Leaving this hallway of thought can be a challenging time and some may say unkind, yet many who do who fall in Love . Leaving them powerless to be put above.... the fool, who may mock you and say boo who who who. For we all just play our roles no matter what the faint of circumstance may hold. So as I write this I say just let go! Melt into your fool who will show you the way and sometimes in life you just gotta be willing to play the deck that is dealt with a smile 😊or a pout 😕!
Brett Jester Drummond

Ya see... it was all true...

If you enjoyed this poem please share on Facebook, email, read to it someone! Just do it! And remember by sharing we may look like a "fool", but that's what this poem is about! Come on people! Also I love feedback and banter on my posts! Hint Hint!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

As Dawn Breaks I Sing with the Birds!

As dawn breaks over the horizon, I sit and wonder how many of these magnificent breath taking moments I will get to behold? And maybe not just the sunrise, but all the moments that encompass this breaking dawn. The birds singing the new day's promise, Life starting anew and all the hopes, dreams and problems that each new day brings. I often wonder if Hope does fill the air and... our thoughts with each sunrise? As I come to think about this idea, I know for me it's true and as I have watched this world for over forty years I believe there's something to this! Do the animals also have hopes for their "days"? Like just surviving another day? Finding enough food or maybe they have dreams which we can only "imagine"? These beautiful in flight creatures may have to build a nest and.... thoughts like this mean they are probably planning and thinking about how to build their design structure, the material they use and where they will source this materiel etc... I mean WOW maybe animals do have minds and we humans have underestimated their capacity!? As I set here staring out my window I long to go join this new day and partake in it's splendor, but I have emails to answer, calls to make and humans to connect with. But later on I will make it out there and partake in others hopes and dreams and also sow some of my own! 💖

Brett "Sunrise" Drummond


If you enjoyed this poem. please share! Whether through Facebook, email, reading this prose to another or maybe just watching the sunrise with an an open mind and new wonder!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Tension At A Boil!

What you may think I lack in Courage, I more than make up for in presence

What you may think I lack in Love, maybe is just you refusing to open your Heart

While you may think you and I are very far apart, truth is there is a bridge that links us

While you may wonder who I am? I know that you will never see because I am greater than sight

When you search for meaning and find none, what will you do? Make up your own?

You may say I'm unkind, but matter of fact, I think it's you that is unwilling to accept your shadow

While I go after my dreams, do you sit and stare at me trying steal my glory and Life?

If I said to you let's talk about life would you just scoff and tell me about the crack in the sidewalk?

You said that you think... Well I wish you feel more and be less cynical

When we touch, all I do is feel the cold of your shoulder and your melodramatic tone in your voice

Blah Blah Blah is this the word you enjoy using the most, cause it's numbing to my Soul?

Politics is your favorite subject of conversation, while you call this art, I think it's just a another of form of manipulation.

I often wonder if you will be a friend to me after I'm done writing this? But a true friend wouldn't let me stew in my own juices.

As our conversation runs short, do you want to know? Probably not as this might infringe on your comfort zone.

The only conversation that I have to say to you is FUCK OFF!


Sunday, June 4, 2017

"The Tell Tale Mind"

Connected at the "hip" through Space and Time. Expressing how you Feel about another can be unkind. If you're not ready for these feelings they can Bind. But you and I experienced this connection, not just with "our" minds. Silly Goofy Anxiety between us now, not "in love", but curious where this could go? Were you out of your Mind, why YES indeed! Maybe you were more in your Heart as now you can see. Experiencing the Highs and Lows that come with this sacred bond. In Life as in Love this beat can through you for a Loop de Loop. Betrayal of my Trust is an "unforgivable sin", did you think that by doing this you would "win". Cutting me to the "core", did you try and treat me like you're little "whore". But in the end, which is influx. Might I have the last Laugh, because now I got you in a "box". Trapped by your desire for me to SET you Free, from the prison you put yourself in, only you can FLY FREE! The trap was set form that moment of fate and now this "flash of time"... just ain't. Bridges not burned, but SCORCHED on this Earth, but bridges can rebuilt even just from this woolen Earth. As I Spin this tales of Forebodden Lust, my passion inside I have not Lost. For in Life as in Love I have done battle with the BEST... And I have also put my FIGHTING Spirit to the TEST! Have the Courage to let your feelings show, although I wouldn't wear them on your sleeve to the closest people you know. For they will just keep using you when you get that crazy vibe... and knowing you, you won't even cry, or set a boundary for that matter I think. This isn't my problem, so just watch your drink. For drinking lowers your defenses to them and witchcraft they do practice 100%. I fended them off and sent my own hounds to dwell in the basements... of their own hell. A seed I planted in their minds... wait til they get that fucking TIMEBOBMB SURPRISE, but no they won't die! For when you read others minds you never "know"what you will find and in order to read... you must first retrieve what they know! So this a warning to one and to all! I speak form my heart, whenever I hear that sacred call...

Brett "Poet" Drummond

If you enjoyed this poem or any others please share! Whether through Facebook, e mail or maybe you will just read this shit to others!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

"Light And The Unforgettable Playfulness Of Bending."

Secrets of Long Forgotten Memories STREAM back into my Consciousness. Where these "specs" of Light come from I have not a "clue"? But these "beams" are their, there and they're. I sense these dimensions are much closer for the World to know once again. Look a "little" closer and listen with an "open ear".... then maybe you will sense these "secrets" also. In Life Light is an all Knowing Force that PERVADES the very depths and truths of EVERY process of the Universe, Mankind and The Heart. Does this Light that streams from our thoughts and the speed really have a message to send to ALL that come into contact with it's Luminescence? Is this particle from a History of another Civilization that has long since perished and is trying to RAISE the Vibration of another Planet, so that planet may grow and not make the same mistakes!? I think this is a great question! I know my answer... and this answer is Light! WTF WHAT TYPE OF ANSWER IS THIS?  Sometimes rationale cannot solve the greatest questions in the World! If "ration" could "think" we would have already solved ALL of Human Suffering and we would be in a new Millennia by now! Albert Einstein solved the speed of light riddle, kinda. Do you know how he did this this feat? He played with Light and Imagined how light played across the world. So Fucking cool I think! So I guess I'll stay in these "Ancient Secrets" and keep dreaming of a better world and as a song goes "I'll Trust the Blinding Light over The Darkness... "Simple Beauty"

Thursday, May 18, 2017

My Soul Recognizes Your Soul

Hey Beautiful! So great to "connect with you 💖! Your presence brings me fresh feelings of togetherness. I dig our Tension in a state of Heightened Awareness. Being Near and Around you makes my day! Do you know who I am? You have brought the "Joy" back into my Life. I hope to set you Free and Give you the "choice" on which path you will Choose. Although I will do everything in my power not to let you go, but that only goes so far... Freewill is a Lesson that has been Taught and I have "learned"  over 40 years of my Life. Now I hope to give that "gift" to you. That takes Courage for me, but I think in order to fulfill both our Destiny's that this must be case. My Heart is not Breaking as I write this. Is it because I am so callous for Waiting and Searching for you, that I am willing to wait a "lifetime" more. Or maybe because I know that we will find our way to each other... Even if only in some Way, Shape, or Form. Right now I feel as if I am writing from my brain instead of my heart and I am ok with that. I'm going to tell my story and this telling of PASSION has to be told from all sides I think. Rationalized, put through the Wringer and let to Settle after we break the glass case and YELL OUT! What started out as me writing about you and your divineness has now turned into me telling my Fears of "losing" you. And maybe my Soul just had to "sing" a little? Either way this Ditty turned out exactly as I wanted this to "unfold". I know that you know and you "knowing" is enough... 💑😍

Brett "knew all along" Drummond

and that soul was poison... #

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Love is...."

   Love is the most organic experience that has ever existed on this Earth. This Feeling, Action, Emotion and Way of Living encompasses ALL walks. To not just Journey down a Path of this Way, but to let yourself be immersed in this Liquid of Life is the most "Real" Experience I  think we can strive for in Life! A Journey that is In and of Organic Love, is what I Venture after, day in and day out! I never know what's to come! Living fully in The Present Moment and accepting what comes My Way! But I also know that I can change each "circumstance" as these events unfold, is that "True Love" as well? As I ponder this Love "thing" I wonder if each and everyone of Us Humans is here to experience this? Albeit, each in our Own Way? Living as we see "fit", while also trying to blend our own Existence, with that of others. I do not know, but I still strive for this this "Imperfection". Living has taught me many Lessons, which I "Love" to Share with others. Have you heard the old saying? Sharing is caring? Do you believe this to be True, I do... And if you don't believe this to be True, might I suggest you share from the Heart, not expecting anything in return and see what comes back Your Way? Might a whole stream of Beautiful Starry Eyed Events come into your Life only because you opened up and LET Life in?! I challenge you to Experience this Way, so that maybe you might not stay in your Opinions and Points of view for your whole Life! Love I think is a bout getting out of our comfort zone while giving more, but also following our own Passions wherever they "lead us". Passion isn't Synonymous with Love, but the two go hand and hand with each. Just like Yin and Yang, Jesus and Mary. The Ocean and Fish and "Me" and "You". So feel free to Love I say! I Encourage and Implore you to get out of your own skin and Bare ALL! Be who you want to be, Live how you want to live and go forward and Serve your fellow Human Being!

Brett Got Courage? Drummond

I got lots... #iknowlove

Monday, May 15, 2017

Touched By Destiny.

I have been touched many times in my Life, but when my Heart has been touched that is when I know I am fully Alive! Could I draw you into my experience? No and I wouldn't want to, for I believe if everyone would have this experience than the World would be a better place <3. When we truly, authentically touch each other through words, tears, resonance, actions or even a kind nod then all, I believe will benefit, for being touched is one the highest spiritual teachings that I think was ever garnered on this Magical, Creative and Whimsical Earth! Can you feel it?! As sit here typing tears of "Joy" run down my face, crinkling of my brow and a feeling of pure awe at the gift I have been given... I have found you.. The Universe cannot hide you from me anymore! Last Time I was not prepared, this "time" I am. Courage comes in many forms and I am willing to fight for joy, My Life and the ideals that our Creative Nature is ours and not anyone else's to take, hide or use from US! Many may wonder what gift I am talking about? Well metaphorically speaking it's finding a treasure, that was not lost, but hidden from me, and the Souls that did this will soon pay a price. It's not a price of vengeance, but more one of Karma. For hiding this treasure disrupted many lives in this Universe and now that this treasure is back, there must be a debt to be payed. Debts like this must be payed with service to the person who's treasure you stole. So that is the price and so it is written. My Joy is now back <3, I'm not sure if I can restore this "Joy" back to Life, but I will try. This is the next Adventure/Journey of my Life. I Am Home.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Those Lips, That I Can't Kiss.

Sitting next to you I didn't have to wonder what you were thinking, cause I could feeeel those vibes! Was that "thing" a crush or a Soul Connection? I'm betting on the connection thing. Got Courage? Make Eye Contact I say! Did you or did I? Oh Yeah! As my hand approached your Vector Zone all I wanted to was brush that silkY knee, but I played "nice". As I know you are in Bonds. I wish your signals were more clear. Reading you is easy and staying away from you is even more challenging. I wonder how you feel? Those thoughts must be shared so I dare not ask your neurotic mind. Tension doesn't just fill the air, it also matriculates into my Body, Mind and Spirit. Tension of "our" doing. I must keep you at arms lengths, for this relationship is just one in the making. Feeling each other out over time is a must... Dontcha think?! Let's just Torture each other and see what comes out. Back to the dimly lit scenario, I see those Lips and sense... how Full, Rich,Voluptuous and Juicy! And ya KNOW what thoughts pass through my mind? You must be a tremendous kisser and I wonder if the passion that lays beyond those Lips is Infinite?
Brett Soul Connection Drummond
For Katie I feel the vibes as well

Monday, May 1, 2017

"Why Is Time So Precious, Because This Phenomena Doesn't Exist."

Time slippin through my fingers. I think one must ask where does Time go? Does Time not exist and maybe Life is sending me a Kiss? A little twisted, but yet Life is Proficient. Time, oh how you caress my "hands" and wind me up in a way that is UnEarthly! Why must we slip through the Sands of Time? TIME! Where do you come from? Is it the Imaginations of us Humans? Well I'm not quite sure, but I betcha when I do you'll be out of Time cause I found your Secret! And then Game On you son of a.... Clock! You little machine that makes me twist in the wind, always forcing me to keep your schedule! You Control and Manipulate me! In fact for that Matter the Whole World! But I'm on to you, now I don't feel like such a "victim" as when this Story first began! I am free of my wrist band and the "nasty" disfigurement it causes. Time! You will no longer slip into the future, I gotcha caught in the Present Moment waiting to serve Me and that's that!! 123456789101112

Brett "Time" Drummond


If you enjoyed my blog please share!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Frequency Of Life."

The Heart beats as my dreams grow. Gosh how will I enjoy this living show? The Heart a Mystery to ALL, except those who live in the Present Moment... Accepting their fate to Live with Courage and endure all emotions, constraints and bonds that this Life has to offer! Does Life mimic the Heart, or does the Heart mimic Life? Or maybe there is certain Resonate Frequency between the two that keeps this Rhythm going? In Life when you feel the highs and lows, be not afraid or addicted to these Groovy sensations, but learn to experience and be a part of these Intricacies of Life. Maybe they are a Sacred Right Of Passage that our modern day society has forgotten about?

Brett Wave Drummond

#remember #ido