Perfection and the heart are two points of view that don't go together I think! I mean just think about this perplexing idea? The heart beats, blood flows, is warm and knows only love, right? And perfection to me is cold, hard, unforgiving and "heartless". What a paradox, yeah? I mean I can't even spell out this conundrum of my beginning title! Why on Earth would I write about these two polar opposites? Well I'm not sure either lol. When I try and strive, sometimes I feel like I die. A part of me aiming for a model of what I think is right. But what I think is right might not fit into where I'm actually going, ya dig? For my beating giant might have other plans. Does passion play a big part in my beating giant's decision making process? I think so! I mean if I stick to my model of a virtual reality of who I am, will this actually just impede my progress? Or do I need to have an unbending goal to strive for in a world that I think can be could and callous? My "ticker would obviously beg to differ I say! I cannot put that "ticker" thing into words, but I know that "thing" is there. Drawing me closer to an ideal and not a model maybe? As my vision of flawless goes, so does my life in a sense. I'm always growing and in this growth is a struggle, which I believe forces me to change and in this change I have to give up my ideal of who I was and my goals I wanted out of my life. So does my Sentiment Being inside tell me this? Or is there an unspoken agreement between my model of Life and what beauty beats inside? All these questions keep coming up inside and out for me. Maybe I am not trying to find an answer, but am seeking a riddle that will never be solved... and doesn't have to be. Either way I guess my Life will go on and I will continue to live and be who I am... and this will be enough for me.
Brett "Model of Incomplete" Drummond
And maybe I''ll add right time also
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