Thursday, May 18, 2017

My Soul Recognizes Your Soul

Hey Beautiful! So great to "connect with you 💖! Your presence brings me fresh feelings of togetherness. I dig our Tension in a state of Heightened Awareness. Being Near and Around you makes my day! Do you know who I am? You have brought the "Joy" back into my Life. I hope to set you Free and Give you the "choice" on which path you will Choose. Although I will do everything in my power not to let you go, but that only goes so far... Freewill is a Lesson that has been Taught and I have "learned"  over 40 years of my Life. Now I hope to give that "gift" to you. That takes Courage for me, but I think in order to fulfill both our Destiny's that this must be case. My Heart is not Breaking as I write this. Is it because I am so callous for Waiting and Searching for you, that I am willing to wait a "lifetime" more. Or maybe because I know that we will find our way to each other... Even if only in some Way, Shape, or Form. Right now I feel as if I am writing from my brain instead of my heart and I am ok with that. I'm going to tell my story and this telling of PASSION has to be told from all sides I think. Rationalized, put through the Wringer and let to Settle after we break the glass case and YELL OUT! What started out as me writing about you and your divineness has now turned into me telling my Fears of "losing" you. And maybe my Soul just had to "sing" a little? Either way this Ditty turned out exactly as I wanted this to "unfold". I know that you know and you "knowing" is enough... 💑😍

Brett "knew all along" Drummond

and that soul was poison... #

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