Sunday, June 18, 2017

through the depths of life

Dragging me to the depths of my consciousness and then dropping me into my shit. Being pulled from heaven to hell all in one moment. Fight as I may, I just seem to end up back in the same place. I feel like a disgrace, letting life dictate my effort and just being a subject to this universal
monstrostrial wave that drags me under. Is this effect nature throwing me curve-balls and not letting me rest til I discover her secrets? Until then I will continue to just buffer all that spins my way, never letting my guard down or my life to be not lived. In this sea of life I have seen many treasures just waiting to be cashed in. But I think sometimes treasures are meant to be left alone so that that the depths of this precious cargo can be explored by others. When the depths of my own mind come to fruition I will paint my art work on the canvas of this world that is in turmoil I think? Never knowing what colors to blend and strokes to make. Does this make me a creative genius of life? Could be... but is that what I was even aiming for? Not really I just wanted to live and learn and be. In this world that sometimes seems to be a crime: Being a unique individual like I think we all are. What is this punishable by? Death? Maybe in my case a creative death by being suppressed and locking away my own key that will undo years of creative abuse by this world and myself. Can ya relate? You may ask why can't I just unlock the door, well if others had stolen my key then how can I unlock the door that I can't get through? Well creativity of course silly. But if I can't get to my creativity that lies behind this door, then I am in a conundrum can't you see? I understand that I may have the other key that was provided and given, but... not nurtured. If you are confused, please take a breath and maybe learn to see a different way. I wrap up by penning this! Nature, creativity and yoga or something like that!!

Brett Drummond

I've been all over... and I'm GOING

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