Friday, November 23, 2018

There Is Magic In This World!

A little curious boy set out to prove to adults that there is still magic in this world. He tried to tell the adults that the stars had spoken to him, but all the adults did was laugh, pat him on the head iand tell him it was just his "imagination". So this curious little boy set out on a journey set out on a journey to show them there is magic in the stars!

He racked his brain day and night to try and get the adults to understand this MAGIC and WONDER he felt inside. In science class he learned how we are made up of the same stuff as the stars. Would this get them to understand!? He thought about it for a minute... and realized that wouldn't work. Next he came up with the idea that the sun is a star and we need it to survive. Without the sun there would be no light, plants and trees wouldn't grow and there would be no way we could survive on Earth. But still he realized that wouldn't do it and he relized that he was talking in the adults "language". So he started thinking; why do I think stars are so magical?! Is it beacause I'll never be able to touch one? Or that when he layed down at night to gaze at the stars, that they all appeared to come ALIVE and the heavens started moving? Now he thought... I'm onto something!#@!* We will watch the stars together and I will let them have their own experience. NOW!! He knew he was onto something! :-)

So the curious little boy gathered a bunch of cynical adults together one night and convinced them to go and gaze at the stars. On their walk up to the summit they kept saying things like: how silly he was and eventually he would just grow up and see that the stars didn't talk to him and they weren't magic... So after he listened to all the adults, this curious little boy decided to tell the adults to just look at the stars, stop thinking and just Dream whatever comes into your mind. When the adults stopped trying to think and just just opened up to what could be... a"funny" thing happened.  They were STUNNED! They had no idea how to react!? They were taken into a world were they could just be! Instead of all the words and labels and busyness of Life, they started to see an inner world. A world where anything was possible and they created their own "reality"!

The little boy knowing his job was done, walked away with a smile... :-)

BTW I got "the" MAGIC.

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