Friday, November 23, 2018
3,2,1 Blastoff-- A Mission From Spirit!
And so another Soul goes on a mission, Launching into Space and the Universe from The Source! As this Soul prepares to go out Journeying, he takes with him a certain code that can help to bring a betterment to whatever Target Destination he chooses! Not much else is known about the Soul's preparation to go on this Mission. Only this Soul knows what he will need-- a so to speak for "eyes" only, need to know basis. But anywho as FIRE descends from this Spaceship, like an Atom, a Beautiful Iridescent trail of colors is left behind in this Souls' wake. Maybe this Soul's Spaceship is an actual extension of the Soul itself? And as this Entity travels through Space in his vehicle, does he also want to leave some beautiful Art in the Dark Universe?
3,2,1 Blastoff! As this Soul blazes through Space the Journey can be very long. This Soul also travels to get a certain kind of education about the hidden gifts of the Universe. The Stars are beautiful and contain hidden knowledge about our Nature and the Origins of Life. Who would have thought that?
Also other Planets he passes keep sending out "signals" about what each planet is working on and what problems have occurred there and how advanced their Civilization is. The Soul doesn't stop at these Planets, but gets a feel for what these Stunning Spheres Of Churning Life are all about! But the Soul's constant companion is Celestial Music! Adventures can get lonely and this type of Music doesn't just educate, but also helps to sustain and nourish the Soul. What type of Music you ask does the Soul live by? Well really there's all types! Here are a few, but there are just too many too list! The music that comes from The Spinning Life on each Planet Music Of Life, the Music of the Spheres Spheres Of Life, the humming of the stars Celestial White Noise. And my own personal favorite! The Music that is made when ALL the pieces parts of the Universe are working together and creating a beautiful harmony Universal Bliss! You may have to listen closely to catch this sound of "Creation". This Music also tends to stay with this Soul when he reaches his destination. Maybe this might explain why Dance, Music and the Arts are sooo popular?
The Soul can get disconnected while on his Journey though... All alone, no one to talk to. Surely this would drive an Entity mad! And in a sense I'm sure it does! What is there to do, but THINK!? And so many Thoughts pass through his mind, in fact so many that all these Thoughts might make him crazy! Have you ever overthought too much in life and all your Thoughts caused you to get stressed out, crazy and caused more problems than all your Thinking you could solve? Now just imagine floating through Space, no grounding planet to help bring any of these Thoughts to Life. So as this beautiful iridescent Soul travels through Space he gets addicted to his Thoughts! Now Thoughts are fun, but I don't think they are everything in Life! And in Life not everything is Thought, am I right!? So this Soul thinks and hinks and thinks and actually in a way he becomes his Thoughts. Believing that they are true, but oh, how when these Souls land on earth they see that maybe the opposite is True of Earth. That Actions rule a little more. So this Soul has to adjust!
Now as this Soul gets closer to his Destination he has to start getting ready for his Mission. So he checks the calculations to make sure he is on course and then he double checks. You do not want to "know" what happens if he misses his coordinates, this fate is not pretty.... This Soul has a checklist and has on it, but may not be exclusive to 1) Mission to Earth 2) An Abort Pill-- in case said Mission goes bad 3) A voice in his Head that will keep him on track 4) "Location" of a new vehicle upon exit 5) Soulmates to contact on Earth at a set "time and place" 6) A Higher Self that he can contact for Guidance. WOW! What an exhaustive list I know!! And little does he know, but this Soul also has a lesson to bring to Humanity to Teach. Can you imagine what the World would be like if every "Human" on Earth contributed? And these Life Lessons are probable more important than any thoughts that the Soul will get in Outer Space.
And there's one hidden process I have left out... Even this Soul doesn't know about it. It's the Code! And this paradoxical Mirror might be the most Mysterious Process of ALL! Even the storyteller of this story doesn't get the scrambling of this Information. So first let me explain. "The Source" has a code that this light implants into the Soul as he shoots out on his Journey. But the Universe also has a code (a very bad one at that) The Source's code is Straight Forward, Simple and Comprehendable, while the Universe's Code is confused. Maybe because the Universe is a Strange Place and so many events go on, that it constantly has to change? Who knows, but do you get what I'm throwing down?! Unfortunately the Soul doesn't know that the Universe's code isn't the one he should be using.
And so can begin a downward spiral into confusion and a search for a mission that should have never begun. And well to put this "darkly" this Unknowing can have a devastating effect on the Soul's Psyche and in extreme instances can lead to Death... But when a Soul goes on a Mission, he accepts he might reach his destination and might not survive, so he is prepared for this event. So as he prepares to come out of Hyperspace and enter his Final Destination, he braces says a prayer and bites down ready to emerge a new Human Being on Earth!
Brett "Traveler" Drummond
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