Friday, November 23, 2018

The Soul Species Who Had Universal Amnesia.

Once there was a species who came to Earth and forgot who they were. You might ask how does this happen? Well you see I am part of this species and I have also forgotten, so let's explore a little and put the puzzle pieces together!

When you have amnesia what is it? You forgot who you are, right? And what causes this amnesia, maybe many things, but a few that come to mind are trauma of some type. A hit on the head, being told who you are, when in reality you are not that. Well... maybe it begins at birth with the traumatic experience of coming out of that beautiful amniotic fluid, that supports, protects and nourishes you into a room with bright lights, people running around like their heads are cut off and a room full of mostly uncaring people. Interesting I thought to myself.

Or maybe it's the way adults in life try and make children fit into their belief systems and rules when it doesn't fit into "their" generation?

Or maybe it's in adolescence where teenagers are so insecure that they moch, bully and hurt each others emotions so maybe that don't feel all alone?

Or Maybe it's how advertisers on T.V. try to convince your subconscious mind that to be happy you need to buy that latest product or thing, or you need to look like a swimsuit model, or that studly guy who has 6 pack abs? When most people already know that those pics are photo shopped and airbrushed.

Or maybe it's how corporations and businesses push people to conform to "their" system? Make them wear a monkey suit, sit at a desk and work from a system that is about manipulation and control. Not to mention it's just about the numbers and how much money they can make off the consumer and the worker! A modern day form of slavery if you ask me!

Or maybe it's how the system says save for retirement for when you're old, but how do you know that day will ever come? And isn't it easier to live life and travel when we are younger?

Now I have my own view! We are explorers, lovers, visionaries, poets, Defenders of the Universe, we are souls who should embody ourselves. We should celebrate our differences and uniqueness to help make this world a better place! We are supposed to live life our way!

But do you want to know what is the saddest part for me? It's that we humans have amnesia. All the problems I describe from before are manmade and WE do this to EACH other.

                                                             We are unique, not all the same.

Brett Human Being Drummond

But I still remeber and hopefully humans can tell the invaders from the others

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