Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Rippling Lake.

The lake ripples and moves so serenely, coming at me in a gentle force. But the funny paradox is that these ripples never seem to make their way toward me. How mesmerizing this sight is to me! Underneath the ripples is a whole world teaming with Life, algae, fish reproducing, oxygen, nitrogen and "Life" itself just waiting and churning for that perfect chance to create a SPARK!. Sandy or rocky bottom it doesn't matter, this bottomless lake holds all forms moving, nourishing and shaping their development.

I go to the waters edge and wonder what Life has in store for me? Is this beautiful bowl of water trying to lure me in or tell me something? Why can't I just try and tell myself? Fish flop and frogs ribbet, tadpoles spawn, fisherman fish and boats fly through the water, FAST! In them, happy excited humans experiencing the thrills of speed and floating!

Is there nothing more beautiful than raindrops splashing on to this mirror of a lake? Breaking the surreal plasticity that was once there. This body of water has enough room to keep letting more water into it's boundaries. I often wonder if a lake can "sense" it's surroundings? How this "body" nourishes and sustains the eco system that this mother helps to support on it's shores and it's depths. Now I understand that as part of Nature that this is the "lake's job", but on some deeper cosmic level a certain Love abounds, for this beings nurturing instinct. As the ripples get more violent, does this lake retain a peaceful calm? This mood is just an aspect of the lake and it's emotions. Morphing, shaping and conforming to the forces that have been put upon this Bowl of Life. Where does this Force enter FROM? For me this is an inconsequential question as I can feel the lake run through my body and soul... And this knowing is enough for me.

Brett "Ripple Drummond

I am a ripple....

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