A little curious boy set out to prove to adults that there is still magic in this world. He tried to tell the adults that the stars had spoken to him, but all the adults did was laugh, pat him on the head iand tell him it was just his "imagination". So this curious little boy set out on a journey set out on a journey to show them there is magic in the stars!
He racked his brain day and night to try and get the adults to understand this MAGIC and WONDER he felt inside. In science class he learned how we are made up of the same stuff as the stars. Would this get them to understand!? He thought about it for a minute... and realized that wouldn't work. Next he came up with the idea that the sun is a star and we need it to survive. Without the sun there would be no light, plants and trees wouldn't grow and there would be no way we could survive on Earth. But still he realized that wouldn't do it and he relized that he was talking in the adults "language". So he started thinking; why do I think stars are so magical?! Is it beacause I'll never be able to touch one? Or that when he layed down at night to gaze at the stars, that they all appeared to come ALIVE and the heavens started moving? Now he thought... I'm onto something!#@!* We will watch the stars together and I will let them have their own experience. NOW!! He knew he was onto something! :-)
So the curious little boy gathered a bunch of cynical adults together one night and convinced them to go and gaze at the stars. On their walk up to the summit they kept saying things like: how silly he was and eventually he would just grow up and see that the stars didn't talk to him and they weren't magic... So after he listened to all the adults, this curious little boy decided to tell the adults to just look at the stars, stop thinking and just Dream whatever comes into your mind. When the adults stopped trying to think and just just opened up to what could be... a"funny" thing happened. They were STUNNED! They had no idea how to react!? They were taken into a world were they could just be! Instead of all the words and labels and busyness of Life, they started to see an inner world. A world where anything was possible and they created their own "reality"!
The little boy knowing his job was done, walked away with a smile... :-)
BTW I got "the" MAGIC.
Friday, November 23, 2018
The Soul Species Who Had Universal Amnesia.
Once there was a species who came to Earth and forgot who they were. You might ask how does this happen? Well you see I am part of this species and I have also forgotten, so let's explore a little and put the puzzle pieces together!
When you have amnesia what is it? You forgot who you are, right? And what causes this amnesia, maybe many things, but a few that come to mind are trauma of some type. A hit on the head, being told who you are, when in reality you are not that. Well... maybe it begins at birth with the traumatic experience of coming out of that beautiful amniotic fluid, that supports, protects and nourishes you into a room with bright lights, people running around like their heads are cut off and a room full of mostly uncaring people. Interesting I thought to myself.
Or maybe it's the way adults in life try and make children fit into their belief systems and rules when it doesn't fit into "their" generation?
Or maybe it's in adolescence where teenagers are so insecure that they moch, bully and hurt each others emotions so maybe that don't feel all alone?
Or Maybe it's how advertisers on T.V. try to convince your subconscious mind that to be happy you need to buy that latest product or thing, or you need to look like a swimsuit model, or that studly guy who has 6 pack abs? When most people already know that those pics are photo shopped and airbrushed.
Or maybe it's how corporations and businesses push people to conform to "their" system? Make them wear a monkey suit, sit at a desk and work from a system that is about manipulation and control. Not to mention it's just about the numbers and how much money they can make off the consumer and the worker! A modern day form of slavery if you ask me!
Or maybe it's how the system says save for retirement for when you're old, but how do you know that day will ever come? And isn't it easier to live life and travel when we are younger?
Now I have my own view! We are explorers, lovers, visionaries, poets, Defenders of the Universe, we are souls who should embody ourselves. We should celebrate our differences and uniqueness to help make this world a better place! We are supposed to live life our way!
But do you want to know what is the saddest part for me? It's that we humans have amnesia. All the problems I describe from before are manmade and WE do this to EACH other.
We are unique, not all the same.
Brett Human Being Drummond
But I still remeber and hopefully humans can tell the invaders from the others
When you have amnesia what is it? You forgot who you are, right? And what causes this amnesia, maybe many things, but a few that come to mind are trauma of some type. A hit on the head, being told who you are, when in reality you are not that. Well... maybe it begins at birth with the traumatic experience of coming out of that beautiful amniotic fluid, that supports, protects and nourishes you into a room with bright lights, people running around like their heads are cut off and a room full of mostly uncaring people. Interesting I thought to myself.
Or maybe it's the way adults in life try and make children fit into their belief systems and rules when it doesn't fit into "their" generation?
Or maybe it's in adolescence where teenagers are so insecure that they moch, bully and hurt each others emotions so maybe that don't feel all alone?
Or Maybe it's how advertisers on T.V. try to convince your subconscious mind that to be happy you need to buy that latest product or thing, or you need to look like a swimsuit model, or that studly guy who has 6 pack abs? When most people already know that those pics are photo shopped and airbrushed.
Or maybe it's how corporations and businesses push people to conform to "their" system? Make them wear a monkey suit, sit at a desk and work from a system that is about manipulation and control. Not to mention it's just about the numbers and how much money they can make off the consumer and the worker! A modern day form of slavery if you ask me!
Or maybe it's how the system says save for retirement for when you're old, but how do you know that day will ever come? And isn't it easier to live life and travel when we are younger?
Now I have my own view! We are explorers, lovers, visionaries, poets, Defenders of the Universe, we are souls who should embody ourselves. We should celebrate our differences and uniqueness to help make this world a better place! We are supposed to live life our way!
But do you want to know what is the saddest part for me? It's that we humans have amnesia. All the problems I describe from before are manmade and WE do this to EACH other.
We are unique, not all the same.
Brett Human Being Drummond
But I still remeber and hopefully humans can tell the invaders from the others
3,2,1 Blastoff-- A Mission From Spirit!
And so another Soul goes on a mission, Launching into Space and the Universe from The Source! As this Soul prepares to go out Journeying, he takes with him a certain code that can help to bring a betterment to whatever Target Destination he chooses! Not much else is known about the Soul's preparation to go on this Mission. Only this Soul knows what he will need-- a so to speak for "eyes" only, need to know basis. But anywho as FIRE descends from this Spaceship, like an Atom, a Beautiful Iridescent trail of colors is left behind in this Souls' wake. Maybe this Soul's Spaceship is an actual extension of the Soul itself? And as this Entity travels through Space in his vehicle, does he also want to leave some beautiful Art in the Dark Universe?
3,2,1 Blastoff! As this Soul blazes through Space the Journey can be very long. This Soul also travels to get a certain kind of education about the hidden gifts of the Universe. The Stars are beautiful and contain hidden knowledge about our Nature and the Origins of Life. Who would have thought that?
Also other Planets he passes keep sending out "signals" about what each planet is working on and what problems have occurred there and how advanced their Civilization is. The Soul doesn't stop at these Planets, but gets a feel for what these Stunning Spheres Of Churning Life are all about! But the Soul's constant companion is Celestial Music! Adventures can get lonely and this type of Music doesn't just educate, but also helps to sustain and nourish the Soul. What type of Music you ask does the Soul live by? Well really there's all types! Here are a few, but there are just too many too list! The music that comes from The Spinning Life on each Planet Music Of Life, the Music of the Spheres Spheres Of Life, the humming of the stars Celestial White Noise. And my own personal favorite! The Music that is made when ALL the pieces parts of the Universe are working together and creating a beautiful harmony Universal Bliss! You may have to listen closely to catch this sound of "Creation". This Music also tends to stay with this Soul when he reaches his destination. Maybe this might explain why Dance, Music and the Arts are sooo popular?
The Soul can get disconnected while on his Journey though... All alone, no one to talk to. Surely this would drive an Entity mad! And in a sense I'm sure it does! What is there to do, but THINK!? And so many Thoughts pass through his mind, in fact so many that all these Thoughts might make him crazy! Have you ever overthought too much in life and all your Thoughts caused you to get stressed out, crazy and caused more problems than all your Thinking you could solve? Now just imagine floating through Space, no grounding planet to help bring any of these Thoughts to Life. So as this beautiful iridescent Soul travels through Space he gets addicted to his Thoughts! Now Thoughts are fun, but I don't think they are everything in Life! And in Life not everything is Thought, am I right!? So this Soul thinks and hinks and thinks and actually in a way he becomes his Thoughts. Believing that they are true, but oh, how when these Souls land on earth they see that maybe the opposite is True of Earth. That Actions rule a little more. So this Soul has to adjust!
Now as this Soul gets closer to his Destination he has to start getting ready for his Mission. So he checks the calculations to make sure he is on course and then he double checks. You do not want to "know" what happens if he misses his coordinates, this fate is not pretty.... This Soul has a checklist and has on it, but may not be exclusive to 1) Mission to Earth 2) An Abort Pill-- in case said Mission goes bad 3) A voice in his Head that will keep him on track 4) "Location" of a new vehicle upon exit 5) Soulmates to contact on Earth at a set "time and place" 6) A Higher Self that he can contact for Guidance. WOW! What an exhaustive list I know!! And little does he know, but this Soul also has a lesson to bring to Humanity to Teach. Can you imagine what the World would be like if every "Human" on Earth contributed? And these Life Lessons are probable more important than any thoughts that the Soul will get in Outer Space.
And there's one hidden process I have left out... Even this Soul doesn't know about it. It's the Code! And this paradoxical Mirror might be the most Mysterious Process of ALL! Even the storyteller of this story doesn't get the scrambling of this Information. So first let me explain. "The Source" has a code that this light implants into the Soul as he shoots out on his Journey. But the Universe also has a code (a very bad one at that) The Source's code is Straight Forward, Simple and Comprehendable, while the Universe's Code is confused. Maybe because the Universe is a Strange Place and so many events go on, that it constantly has to change? Who knows, but do you get what I'm throwing down?! Unfortunately the Soul doesn't know that the Universe's code isn't the one he should be using.
And so can begin a downward spiral into confusion and a search for a mission that should have never begun. And well to put this "darkly" this Unknowing can have a devastating effect on the Soul's Psyche and in extreme instances can lead to Death... But when a Soul goes on a Mission, he accepts he might reach his destination and might not survive, so he is prepared for this event. So as he prepares to come out of Hyperspace and enter his Final Destination, he braces says a prayer and bites down ready to emerge a new Human Being on Earth!
Brett "Traveler" Drummond
If you enjoyed this article please share! Whether through Facebook, email, link or any other means like Carrier Pigeon. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
"Perfection Is The Problem"
What a nasty 10 letter word.
Is there anything in this world perfect?
Maybe... But only in my mind.
And even then, what do I do with this "perfect" vision?
I think about it and play with, bend, twist and mangle this perfect "thing".
When I can see the imperfections inside of my myself and this world...
Then maybe I will have discovered the uniqueness of life...
Brett "Imperfect" Drummond
Is there anything in this world perfect?
Maybe... But only in my mind.
And even then, what do I do with this "perfect" vision?
I think about it and play with, bend, twist and mangle this perfect "thing".
When I can see the imperfections inside of my myself and this world...
Then maybe I will have discovered the uniqueness of life...
Brett "Imperfect" Drummond
Strollin Though The Streets Of Brooklyn
Whenever I visit New York I always feel a little anxious. Now of course I've only been twice, but hey who's counting... :-) On this occasion I happened to be going to a party of people who I met at a awesome adult summer So I had to decide weather I would drive, take the bus, ride the subway or walk. So a side note: most people who know me know that if there is a way for me to get lost, turned around, missed exit yada yada yada it will happen to me ! So this is always a gut wrenching decision! So after I analysed all of my choices... I decided to be brave and hoof it!! Now four miles in a big city is an adventure for me... both good and bad and I am soooo glad I decided to walk! What an experience of cultural sobriety that was for me. I seemed to weave into out of culture, race, beliefs, joy and uneasiness. [I went from Brownstones, to what some people might term the ghetto, to just your average normal hoo hum apartments. But my most interesting walk was what I would term as an Orthodox Jewish Community. All the signs were written in what I would consider Hebrew. Most of the men wore a tall looking oddly shaped hat. And it seemed as I tried to make eye contact or give a head nod or say hello... I felt like I was rebuffed. Just my thought/perceptions--- It felt like "these people in this community were cut off/ didn't want to be part of society? I smiled at a little boy maybe eight years old and I got a scowl and hiss... Now I realize that sometimes kids are just kids, but wow it almost felt he thought I was "the devil"!
So after I finally left an amazing shin dig full laughter, dancing and awesome people! I had to decide whether to walk or take the bus. I decided to walk! So as I set out my through another four mile adventure through Brooklyn, with foggy groggy eyes at 2 am, a ton of thoughts started running through my head,will I be safe, will I get turned around, I'm tried and I don't want to walk, but I just decided to go for it! And what a beautiful walk home it was! Listening to after hour parties, watching couples hold hands and listen to the buzz and hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps! I arrived home about an hour later... I brushed my teeth layed my groggy head on the pillow and fell asleep...
Brett "One Burrough" Drummond
i'LL SEE YOU later Brooklyn
i'LL SEE YOU later Brooklyn
The Dream Master
Brett Dream Drummond
The Rippling Lake.
The lake ripples and moves so serenely, coming at me in a gentle force. But the funny paradox is that these ripples never seem to make their way toward me. How mesmerizing this sight is to me! Underneath the ripples is a whole world teaming with Life, algae, fish reproducing, oxygen, nitrogen and "Life" itself just waiting and churning for that perfect chance to create a SPARK!. Sandy or rocky bottom it doesn't matter, this bottomless lake holds all forms moving, nourishing and shaping their development.
I go to the waters edge and wonder what Life has in store for me? Is this beautiful bowl of water trying to lure me in or tell me something? Why can't I just try and tell myself? Fish flop and frogs ribbet, tadpoles spawn, fisherman fish and boats fly through the water, FAST! In them, happy excited humans experiencing the thrills of speed and floating!
Is there nothing more beautiful than raindrops splashing on to this mirror of a lake? Breaking the surreal plasticity that was once there. This body of water has enough room to keep letting more water into it's boundaries. I often wonder if a lake can "sense" it's surroundings? How this "body" nourishes and sustains the eco system that this mother helps to support on it's shores and it's depths. Now I understand that as part of Nature that this is the "lake's job", but on some deeper cosmic level a certain Love abounds, for this beings nurturing instinct. As the ripples get more violent, does this lake retain a peaceful calm? This mood is just an aspect of the lake and it's emotions. Morphing, shaping and conforming to the forces that have been put upon this Bowl of Life. Where does this Force enter FROM? For me this is an inconsequential question as I can feel the lake run through my body and soul... And this knowing is enough for me.
Brett "Ripple Drummond
I am a ripple....
Sunday, November 18, 2018
"Glamours Fireworks In The Chaos."
As I look around this beautiful twisted world, I wonder will chaos rules, or will I grow up and NOT
be a fool?! Words and prose are all I have to bring to this feast of life. And boy oh boy do I think
there is a lot of strife. Am I sitting in chaos, or am I just trying to "act the same". GIVE ME MY
MIND BACK, I yell at the Universe. And gosh darn it, I try not to curse. For my struggle lies
deep within, and no it's not a shark fin. I don't really bare my life for all to see, I just Want.To.Be.Me.
Here and now not in the same fog of thought.I keep trying to get out, but my fog lights are off,
I'll betcha all the others waiting think I'm a jerk. Here I come ready or not! I'll use my own inner
light and put on a SHOW. Busting out with fireworks, the beautiful colors I see, cause that's who I
be. My words are raw and prose true... I'm like this and that-- Ka-Boom! For now I have decided
chaos will rule until I figure it out. I'll just let my life runs it's course.. Ready or not through my veins
this thing will course.
Brett "Firework" Drummond
I had words, but also fireworks... Can you say that...
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