Monday, January 28, 2019

"Feelin My Way Through Life's Bumpy Road".

Ups and Downs sometimes turn me all around.
Trying to stay "level" in a world, that is anything but...
Could these swings just be some kind of "crutch"?
I would say yes, but NOT in way I perceive, "see".
For these swings, I believe,
Are just a built in, part of me.
Maybe just a way I can feel my way through Life,
And deal with my struggle and strife.
But Highs and Lows come with a $price,
I'll call, l-i-v-i-n-g an extraordinary Life!
To BE real, I have to stay,
True to MY own very "Nature".
That these swings bring, me "Spring"
Including CREATING my life out of the Spinning Ether...

Others have asked, is it worth it my friend?
This is how I will live til the very END!
Bitter and Sweet ALL in the same bite!
Guess what, I have learned, to fight!
The calling of this SURGE, that brings,
Me near to a completion of a cycle in my Spring
In the Evolution of  MY Life,
Evolving at near "Light Speed"
When I dance in the GROOVE,
I keep on, keeping on, with this sparkle
Even though others may "disappear".

Dark and Light also make up this "Fight".
Neither Good nor Bad.
For sometimes in Life I feel rather "Sad".
For to have NO control, on how to show,
These things I create, means I cannot wait!!
I take ACTION now!
And just let the pieces fall into place.
When the dust settle all becomes "Clear".
That's just how I roll my dear, NOT just my eyes that SEAR..
Sometimes fast, sometimes quick,
And when I need to slow it down,
I just dig my heels in
And I BEGIN again!

I can't figure out, how to end this poem.
On a "high" or a "low"
But I guess on that note... I'll just go..

Brett "This and That" Drummond

mY BUMPS ARE curvy and soo much more...  #title

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