Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"Poisoned Pills Of A Higher Purpose"

As I look out into that blue, or as I call "it", that "pie in the Sky". I take a moment to ponder then I

HOLLER! Calling in the sun, moon and ancestry in one shallow breath. For the "WHOLE" is in the

dis-ease of the sum of one. And if that DOESN'T sit well with you, then my work is DONE.

Looking, searching and seeking for the TRUTH, I must now KICK "it" into high gear and let

that "vision" SEAR all that is near. Bringing "it" down from the heavens, so people have access

to "it" like they're at 7-Eleven.

"Fast Food" spirituality seems to abound NOW. These days everyone is a "certified yoga teacher",

"reiki master", essential oil "guru" or a "positive thinking" life coach of EPIC PROPORTIONS.

Or maybe... that's just what "they" have thought in their "minds eye" and NOW that they have their

certification "they" can lie, about their credentials and how "In Real Life" they have NO experience to

what "their" hidden purpose really is. Cause their "career" has just been marketed to them and this

h-u-m-a-n  b-e-i-n-g has been left in the "lurch" in their quest for a search of a meaning, NOT of

"their" own genie, but a "poisoned pill of thought" that was spun in a web of another's making.

So NOW their souls are "lost". NEVER full-filling their mission in this "time and place", their real

reason for being here. LOOSE CHANGE "lost" in the seat cushions of their human vehicle.

What then is a person "to do", learning is NO longer about YOU, but a predetermined way that this

MASTER TEACHER had "pollinated" in the mainstream... That may OR may NOT work, when a

MASS group of people, try and incorporate "it" into their BEING.

As I "teach" and so I shall learn EACH "individual unique process" that I think should be their

"home". There is ONLY "one way" and that is MY way and YOUR way. As I have followed I "feel"

like I have been kissed 😘 by a BEAUTIFUL goddess of "honest knowledge". This "kiss" 😙 is

sooo sweet and neat, cause I KNOW these "lips" are ONLY meant for me! So I NO LONGER seek

and now I "SEE" all the "goodness" of my calling, that is MEANT for me. And NOW I am at peace

with MY higher purpose and that is just me...

                                                        Brett "Throwdown" Drummond


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