Secrets of Long Forgotten Memories STREAM back into my Consciousness. Where these "specs" of Light come from I have not a "clue"? But these "beams" are their, there and they're. I sense these dimensions are much closer for the World to know once again. Look a "little" closer and listen with an "open ear".... then maybe you will sense these "secrets" also. In Life Light is an all Knowing Force that PERVADES the very depths and truths of EVERY process of the Universe, Mankind and The Heart. Does this Light that streams from our thoughts and the speed really have a message to send to ALL that come into contact with it's Luminescence? Is this particle from a History of another Civilization that has long since perished and is trying to RAISE the Vibration of another Planet, so that planet may grow and not make the same mistakes!? I think this is a great question! I know my answer... and this answer is Light! WTF WHAT TYPE OF ANSWER IS THIS? Sometimes rationale cannot solve the greatest questions in the World! If "ration" could "think" we would have already solved ALL of Human Suffering and we would be in a new Millennia by now! Albert Einstein solved the speed of light riddle, kinda. Do you know how he did this this feat? He played with Light and Imagined how light played across the world. So Fucking cool I think! So I guess I'll stay in these "Ancient Secrets" and keep dreaming of a better world and as a song goes "I'll Trust the Blinding Light over The Darkness... "Simple Beauty"
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
My Soul Recognizes Your Soul
Hey Beautiful! So great to "connect with you 💖! Your presence brings me fresh feelings of togetherness. I dig our Tension in a state of Heightened Awareness. Being Near and Around you makes my day! Do you know who I am? You have brought the "Joy" back into my Life. I hope to set you Free and Give you the "choice" on which path you will Choose. Although I will do everything in my power not to let you go, but that only goes so far... Freewill is a Lesson that has been Taught and I have "learned" over 40 years of my Life. Now I hope to give that "gift" to you. That takes Courage for me, but I think in order to fulfill both our Destiny's that this must be case. My Heart is not Breaking as I write this. Is it because I am so callous for Waiting and Searching for you, that I am willing to wait a "lifetime" more. Or maybe because I know that we will find our way to each other... Even if only in some Way, Shape, or Form. Right now I feel as if I am writing from my brain instead of my heart and I am ok with that. I'm going to tell my story and this telling of PASSION has to be told from all sides I think. Rationalized, put through the Wringer and let to Settle after we break the glass case and YELL OUT! What started out as me writing about you and your divineness has now turned into me telling my Fears of "losing" you. And maybe my Soul just had to "sing" a little? Either way this Ditty turned out exactly as I wanted this to "unfold". I know that you know and you "knowing" is enough... 💑😍
Brett "knew all along" Drummond
and that soul was poison... #
Brett "knew all along" Drummond
and that soul was poison... #
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
"Love is...."
Love is the most organic experience that has ever existed on this Earth. This Feeling, Action, Emotion and Way of Living encompasses ALL walks. To not just Journey down a Path of this Way, but to let yourself be immersed in this Liquid of Life is the most "Real" Experience I think we can strive for in Life! A Journey that is In and of Organic Love, is what I Venture after, day in and day out! I never know what's to come! Living fully in The Present Moment and accepting what comes My Way! But I also know that I can change each "circumstance" as these events unfold, is that "True Love" as well? As I ponder this Love "thing" I wonder if each and everyone of Us Humans is here to experience this? Albeit, each in our Own Way? Living as we see "fit", while also trying to blend our own Existence, with that of others. I do not know, but I still strive for this this "Imperfection". Living has taught me many Lessons, which I "Love" to Share with others. Have you heard the old saying? Sharing is caring? Do you believe this to be True, I do... And if you don't believe this to be True, might I suggest you share from the Heart, not expecting anything in return and see what comes back Your Way? Might a whole stream of Beautiful Starry Eyed Events come into your Life only because you opened up and LET Life in?! I challenge you to Experience this Way, so that maybe you might not stay in your Opinions and Points of view for your whole Life! Love I think is a bout getting out of our comfort zone while giving more, but also following our own Passions wherever they "lead us". Passion isn't Synonymous with Love, but the two go hand and hand with each. Just like Yin and Yang, Jesus and Mary. The Ocean and Fish and "Me" and "You". So feel free to Love I say! I Encourage and Implore you to get out of your own skin and Bare ALL! Be who you want to be, Live how you want to live and go forward and Serve your fellow Human Being!
Brett Got Courage? Drummond
I got lots... #iknowlove
Brett Got Courage? Drummond
I got lots... #iknowlove
Monday, May 15, 2017
Touched By Destiny.
I have been touched many times in my Life, but when my Heart has been touched that is when I know I am fully Alive! Could I draw you into my experience? No and I wouldn't want to, for I believe if everyone would have this experience than the World would be a better place <3. When we truly, authentically touch each other through words, tears, resonance, actions or even a kind nod then all, I believe will benefit, for being touched is one the highest spiritual teachings that I think was ever garnered on this Magical, Creative and Whimsical Earth! Can you feel it?! As sit here typing tears of "Joy" run down my face, crinkling of my brow and a feeling of pure awe at the gift I have been given... I have found you.. The Universe cannot hide you from me anymore! Last Time I was not prepared, this "time" I am. Courage comes in many forms and I am willing to fight for joy, My Life and the ideals that our Creative Nature is ours and not anyone else's to take, hide or use from US! Many may wonder what gift I am talking about? Well metaphorically speaking it's finding a treasure, that was not lost, but hidden from me, and the Souls that did this will soon pay a price. It's not a price of vengeance, but more one of Karma. For hiding this treasure disrupted many lives in this Universe and now that this treasure is back, there must be a debt to be payed. Debts like this must be payed with service to the person who's treasure you stole. So that is the price and so it is written. My Joy is now back <3, I'm not sure if I can restore this "Joy" back to Life, but I will try. This is the next Adventure/Journey of my Life. I Am Home.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Those Lips, That I Can't Kiss.
Sitting next to you I didn't have to wonder what you were thinking, cause I could feeeel those vibes! Was that "thing" a crush or a Soul Connection? I'm betting on the connection thing. Got Courage? Make Eye Contact I say! Did you or did I? Oh Yeah! As my hand approached your Vector Zone all I wanted to was brush that silkY knee, but I played "nice". As I know you are in Bonds. I wish your signals were more clear. Reading you is easy and staying away from you is even more challenging. I wonder how you feel? Those thoughts must be shared so I dare not ask your neurotic mind. Tension doesn't just fill the air, it also matriculates into my Body, Mind and Spirit. Tension of "our" doing. I must keep you at arms lengths, for this relationship is just one in the making. Feeling each other out over time is a must... Dontcha think?! Let's just Torture each other and see what comes out. Back to the dimly lit scenario, I see those Lips and sense... how Full, Rich,Voluptuous and Juicy! And ya KNOW what thoughts pass through my mind? You must be a tremendous kisser and I wonder if the passion that lays beyond those Lips is Infinite?
Brett Soul Connection Drummond
For Katie I feel the vibes as well
Monday, May 1, 2017
"Why Is Time So Precious, Because This Phenomena Doesn't Exist."
Time slippin through my fingers. I think one must ask where does Time go? Does Time not exist and maybe Life is sending me a Kiss? A little twisted, but yet Life is Proficient. Time, oh how you caress my "hands" and wind me up in a way that is UnEarthly! Why must we slip through the Sands of Time? TIME! Where do you come from? Is it the Imaginations of us Humans? Well I'm not quite sure, but I betcha when I do you'll be out of Time cause I found your Secret! And then Game On you son of a.... Clock! You little machine that makes me twist in the wind, always forcing me to keep your schedule! You Control and Manipulate me! In fact for that Matter the Whole World! But I'm on to you, now I don't feel like such a "victim" as when this Story first began! I am free of my wrist band and the "nasty" disfigurement it causes. Time! You will no longer slip into the future, I gotcha caught in the Present Moment waiting to serve Me and that's that!! 123456789101112
Brett "Time" Drummond
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