Monday, March 19, 2018

"Romance-- Flight, Fright or Fight?"


Romance, a bond or social condition? Maybe this construct is just time and space and we the

"human race" put on this Celebration to erase the painful memories that cannot be replaced?

Just "think" about it? No known Galaxy has ever felt this nifty feeling TOWERING above, in and

around, all over town or so, I say! Are Love and Romance synonymous? NO WAY, I say! Try again

don't be a pain. Romance-- what a fudey dudey commodity that has been sold to me. Wine, chocolate

and unlimited affection define this large bullshit spectrum, which for me ISN'T a connection, just a

show! The definition of Romance should be a fixed point of insecurity, trying to find an "imaginary"

bliss that can NEVER be realized or seen! Romance is like being drunk, or so I say bae.

  NO strings attached, because usually emotions go unmatched. Just a sexual notion of motion... that

is bumping and grinding, hola hoop hips that are wining and dining. Lets's call a spade a spade and a

dirty deed a good time, NOT a construct that is Devine. Using your flirty way to get what you want

LET'S make more holidays, spend more money and be more drunk on each other's honey! On second

thought... let's change a currency of Lust that has been kept from "US". I have a lusty appetite and a

might, that seems to have been suppressed by marketers and vested interests that want to keep my

love life, under "wraps" and sell that shit back to me, STAT! Well, guess what!? I'm done playing

their monetary romantic game! And quit trying to sell me an idea over pleasure, I might ADD. How

about I write a "romance novel", instead of buying yours and... I'll use my Imagination to define what

romance really is, love, a dagger or a stray bullet kid.

I'm tired of playing these games and NO... not all Romance is the same. Sometimes this word is just

symbolic and a "dirty" turd. Try as I might, to put up a fight and let myself go insane by this pseudo

crypto plight, that just seems to hamper me and romantic eyes, to the ladies. Maybe there is NO

getting away, from my marketed Romantic fate? But try as I may, I cannot comply with logic and

reason, so I guess I'll just go and watch a show, and be alone that's just, my... Romantic flow yo.

Brett "No Love" Drummond

I was sold a lie... but I also sold a lie...

Friday, March 9, 2018

"You Smell Pretty"

 "You smell pretty", those were the last 3 words my Grandmother spoke to me. And the fucked up

 "thing" was, I COULDN'T understand these three simple heartfelt words. My Grandmother, near

death... and I had NO clue--- so that was all I heard, a "garbled" last sound, and then... there was NO


Thinking back I was NEVER told my caretaker was dying in front of my eyes. The doctors visits,

oxygen tanks and constant slumber, NEVER seemed to dampen my Grandmother's Spirit, she was

still like my mother, taking care of me, so now I SEE. Doing ALL the "little" things mothers are

supposed to do.

If I had known, could I have gotten my Grandma to give UP her cancer sticks? That nicotine delivery

system and toxic fumes, that caused the metastasized tumor to CONSUME, the LAST bit of

oxygen from those "sacs of air". No I "think" NOT, for W/O a doubt she was a STUBBORN "old

soul" who was set in her ways, but hey AREN'T we all to some Nth degree?

I always wondered why those souls who took care of me, DIDN'T tell me , how sick this lady be?

Were they just "NUMB" to the stark realities that death brings? Oh were they maybe... But wait,

STOP, for me ALL those "reasons" DON'T matter.

ALL of my thoughts and feelings have been "scattered".... I let the floodgates in, now I know

"grieving" ISN'T a " sin". For me- to be- a real -h-u-m-a-n- b-e-i-n-g, I know I have to heal from

deaths ills, that are still, sometimes sight "unseen".

In the aftermath of my Grandmother's "crash, there was a void left in me. I had NO ONE to turn to,

except... for me. And being an 8 year old boy, I now "SEE" this support sytem WASN'T adequete for


I feel good bringing these thoughts and feelings to light. They are NOW conscious, and I can see,

what happened to me. When I WASN'T yet quite grown, but yet, not quite a b-a-b-y. To put this

event in order I can NOW leave behind, the disorder and chaos, that NO longer serves MY behind. I

know I did the best I could with what I had and... I ... am.. NO longer sad.

Thanks for loving and taking care of me, from your loving Grandson BMD

Brett Drummond

Pretty and poisoned, but I got the "cure"