If you're in the U.S., you shouldn't feel depressed. WE have anti-depressants, anti-biotics and soooo
many other TOXIC chemicals in our water supply, that WE should be IMMORTAL by NOW and
never die. At least... that's what ALL government press releases keep telling me. Oh wait! Those
press releases are PROBABLY written by lobbyists and corporations, so now I "see". Or WAIT! Do I
just see-- what those "corporate interests" want me to be. "Shaping" my mind, an undercurrent of an
"American Dream" loooong since gone. Or maybe, that American Dreamthing was just put together
by some clever marketers--- destined for some "interest group" or something like that, what do you
think Homie...?
But either way I digress. I'm heading back to Civilization, ONE that stands on the brink, to become
EXTINCT. DESTROYING our ecosystem at a "phonetic" pace. GUESS WHAT!? Next is gonna be
T-h-e H-u-m-a-n R-a-c-e. The next incarnation will be land of the apes. But hey, if our Civilization
does collapse, maybe that just means our Civilization WASN'T so great and rather crass. Drinking,
smoking, social mediaing and "acting" like we "care". To me, now it just seems "as if" we stare-- At
what we used to call the the boob tube. Now, it's just a "smart" application of programming and
sedentary demise.
Are our "Orbs" our undoing and these "spheres" of focal luminescence are actually our countdown,
pushing the human race closer to our Doomsday Clock place-- TIC TOC... TIC TOC... TIC TOC...
And, ya know, the "funny" part is we CAN'T even hear this clock count down... since it's ALL
digital these days.
SCRATCHING, CLAWING, SPITTING, CHOKING-- and no, I'm NOT even talking about "sex
lives" or, lack thereof because of online sites like porn and hubb, sometimes I just feel hustled! We
seem to mistake Virtual for Reality. Confusing our senses and acting with our minds and, we ALL
know that our minds can be unkind. UNLEASHING an avalanche of TORRENTIAL thoughts, that
have NO Rhyme or Reason or even thought. And just to bounce, hurt or injure ourselves or those just
Ya know what? In this Civilization I'm gonna keep my feet "firmly" planted on the ground. NO rides
in those self driving cars and that virtual technology can burn in HELL!
Brett "Grounded" Drummond